극동엔지니어링(주) 스킵네비게이션

Our Business

GEUKDONG Engineering, the leader of building Korea.

Bridges & Structures

The department of Bridge & structure pursues aesthetic and safety aspects of the human society and nature

Major Businesses

  • Planning and Designing Structures

    Preliminary testing - analysis of necessity, economic feasibility and constructability of structure
    Various fundamental testing - soil testing, public opinion survey, survey of current status of road and traffic

  • Bridge Design

    Planning and Design forBridge, Flyover, Expressway, Underpass / Bridge Design VE Evaluation and Special Analysis

  • Underground Designing

    Subway and Underground Road Design / Planning and Design for underground utilities, Parking Lot, etc.

  • Safety Diagnosis

    Pretest and assessment pretest, assessment and preventive maintenance of dangerous factors inherent in the structure

Major Portfolio

Introduction to

The department of Bridge & structure carries out a safe and functional structure plan, and accumulating more advanced technology by adapting and introducing creative technology that considers the aesthetics, symbolism, and formativeness of the structure. In addition, the department is exerting the best to acquire and develop advanced technologies in order to gain international competitiveness based on continuous technology development and experience. Furthermore, the department secures the safety of public facilities by pre-inspection, evaluation and maintenance of the risk factors contained in the structure through the safety evaluation of the structure..