극동엔지니어링(주) 스킵네비게이션

Our Business

GEUKDONG Engineering, the leader of building Korea.

Roads & Highways

Construction of a harmonious infrastructure that connects people and the world through professional technology

Major Businesses

  • Areas of Preliminary feasibility study.

    Political significance of roads and economic efficiency / Suggestion of efficient and realistic progress direction / economic and Political analysis

  • feasibility study / master plan area

    Problem deduction and presentation of Alternative by reviewing Preliminary feasibility study / Optimum route selection and access facility plan in consideration of functional and locational feature of roads / Provision of design basis and facility size in accordance with the feature and function of planned road / Provision of policy of road construction through thorough comparative analysis, evaluation and economic analysis

  • Preliminary design area

    Review of existing criteria of design ordinances / Comparison and Review of Alternative routes / Review of size and the size of construction of facilities by alternatives / Computation of approximate construction cost and construction period / Making Preliminary drawings

  • Detailed design area

    Detailed design based on outcome of Preliminary design / Detailed survey and analysis, selection of optimal case / creating documents required for construction and maintenance control

  • Alternative and T/K, technology proposal area

    Suggestion of technological alternatives / construction cost reduction, duration reduction, Provision of improvement solutions in life cycle cost / improvement solutions in functionality and convenience of roads

  • Private investment business area

    Business Excavation / Comparison and Review of Alternative routes / feasibility analysis

  • BIM / Drone Sector

    Establish a basic system for integrated management of Planning, Design, Construction, and Operation & Maintenance

Major Portfolio

Introduction to

The department of Roads & Highways is the best technology group with excellent technology and accumulated experience. The department adapts to the rapidly changing trends of public welfares, and contribute to the national development through effective SOC project development, and rational feasibility study, preliminary design, detailed engineering design, and transport system improvement projects in consideration of the basic direction of natiional development and regional development, and utimately exerting the best to pursue for the 'technical superiority' for construction of pleasant and safe road networks considering humand and enviroenment, and furthermore to become the best engineering consulting firm in road design fields of 21st century based on the customer's satisfaction.